Thank you for your Generosity
Thank you for all your generous giving through your tithes and offerings. Your generosity helps us to outwork the vision of iSEE CHURCH to LOVE, BUILD and REACH cities with the message of Jesus.
For tax-deductible giving details, please contact the accounts team at
Online Giving
Give online via credit card through our secure giving portal.
Direct Giving
Account Name: ISEE CHURCH (HK) Limited
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 808-834-576-001
ADDRESS: 1 Queens Road, Central, Hong Kong -
Please make cheques payable to: ISEE CHURCH (HK) Limited
Postal Address:
9/F Caltex House, 258 Hennessy Rd, Wan Chai
Tax Deductibility
As recognised by the Inland Revenue Department Hong Kong, iSEE CHURCH (HK) Limited is a registered charity entitled to exemption under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. For tax purposes under the Inland Revenue Ordinance, a deduction is granted for donations of money made to iSEE CHURCH (HK) Limited. To be issued with an annual donation receipt for your tax records, please register for a giving number during any of our church services or contact our church office for further details about giving & receipt procedures at